More on Improving Intonation With Drone Practice

Believe it or not, I am not the only musician who believes that practicing with drone pitches is a great way to develop good intonation skills. Professional saxophonist and Alexander Technique teacher Bill Plake does, too. If you’ve read more than a couple of posts on Practicing Flutist, my views on why you should practiceContinue reading “More on Improving Intonation With Drone Practice”

Intonation Practice Exercise with a Drone 1

If you’ve never done intonation exercises with a drone, here is a good way to get started. First you need a drone generator. This is any device that will play and hold a steady pitch, the drone. Many tuners and tuner apps will sound pitches, electric pianos will sound a pitch as long as aContinue reading “Intonation Practice Exercise with a Drone 1”