What If It All Started With the Flute?

Imagine if the invention of the flute was the first step to the invention of computers? Musicians know that musical activities can inspire great ideas in other fields. Steven Johnson, writer and researcher on the history of innovation, presents an entertaining and informative video describing how the invention of the flute 40,000 years ago canContinue reading “What If It All Started With the Flute?”

Flute Swabs

Are you swabbing out your flute before you put it away? Hopefully so, it is critical that you keep your flute clean inside and out. But what are you using to swab out your flute? I advocate using a simple, 100% cotton handkerchief or bandanna. They are absorbant and nonabrasive, readily available and inexpensive. CottonContinue reading “Flute Swabs”

Developing effective dynamics in the flute choir

This season the music my flute choir is working is filled with dynamic effects. Some are simple and straightforward, others include big, quick changes. All of them need to be done cleanly and provide big impact. Wishy washy dynamic changes will be worse than none at all. I have made plans for developing these inContinue reading “Developing effective dynamics in the flute choir”

Intonation Book Update, it’s on Amazon.com!

Just a quick update: my practice book is now formatted for eReaders and can be purchased through the Kindle store at Amazon.com. The content is the same as the PDF version I launched earlier, but formatted specifically for Kindle eReaders. Soon it will also be available through several other outlets such as the iBooks store,Continue reading “Intonation Book Update, it’s on Amazon.com!”

Preparing for Intonation Contingencies

At last week’s flute choir rehearsal, we were discussing how often we might have to tune during the concert because of people having to change to different instruments for different pieces. There were several suggestions made about how to peed the flutes warm so they wouldn’t be so flat when they are picked up forContinue reading “Preparing for Intonation Contingencies”

Practical Intonation Practice Manifesto

Practical Intonation Practice Manifesto 1. Everything is a tone exercise. Always use the best tone production possible! Good intonation and good tone go hand in hand. 2. Don’t rush. Give yourself plenty of time to hear the sounds you are producing so you can determine if any changes need to be made. Pay attention toContinue reading “Practical Intonation Practice Manifesto”

Inspiring greatness

I was sitting in orchestra rehearsal last week, looking around at all the different people, and thinking about what makes a great musician ‘great.’ Everyone in the orchestra tries hard to play well, to get the notes and entrances right, to satisfy the wishes and directions of the conductor, but probably no one in theContinue reading “Inspiring greatness”

Musical Craft Project

I just finished cutting and pasting the second flute and picc parts for our next orchestra concert. It took about three hours to go through each part, deciding which passages on each instrument were most needed to convey the musical intentions of the composer. Quite presumptuous of me, don’t you think! I haven’t done anythingContinue reading “Musical Craft Project”

Tanked Audition

I am still recovering from a badly botched audition that I took for a local orchestra. I thought I was relatively well prepared, though I hadn’t practiced that much. I admit, I was relying on previous experience and practice to get me through, but I was still shocked at what happened. It was like aliensContinue reading “Tanked Audition”