Practice What You Don’t Know First

Practice what you don’t know first and most. Seems obvious, doesn’t it? It is all too easy to start our practice with what is most familiar and comfortable. But that does not help us conquer what is difficult and uncomfortable. Especially when we have limited practice time and are overwhelmed by what we feel weContinue reading “Practice What You Don’t Know First”

Intonation Naivete; Be Kind to Your Listener’s Ears

  When I was young and naïve, I liked to program unaccompanied pieces, because I thought that I didn’t have to pay as much attention to intonation. If there was no other instrument to compare my pitch to, nobody would notice if I was a little (or a lot!!) flat on the low notes orContinue reading “Intonation Naivete; Be Kind to Your Listener’s Ears”