Update on Intonation Book

Well, the book is ready, but I’m experiencing some delays getting the payment and delivery process perfected, so unless I figure it out tonight, it may be a few more days before it is ready. In the meantime, here is another preview of what you will find in the book. LESSON 4: DON’T STRETCH THEContinue reading “Update on Intonation Book”

Virtual Flute Choir

If you haven’t heard about the Virtual Flute Choir, check this site and YouTube video out. What a cool idea! Flutists from all over the world submitted videos of themselves playing a pre-selected piece at a set tempo. Then those individual videos and recordings were recorded into a single performance. Neato keen! To be honest,Continue reading “Virtual Flute Choir”

Preparing for Intonation Contingencies

At last week’s flute choir rehearsal, we were discussing how often we might have to tune during the concert because of people having to change to different instruments for different pieces. There were several suggestions made about how to peed the flutes warm so they wouldn’t be so flat when they are picked up forContinue reading “Preparing for Intonation Contingencies”

Practical Intonation Practice Manifesto

Practical Intonation Practice Manifesto 1. Everything is a tone exercise. Always use the best tone production possible! Good intonation and good tone go hand in hand. 2. Don’t rush. Give yourself plenty of time to hear the sounds you are producing so you can determine if any changes need to be made. Pay attention toContinue reading “Practical Intonation Practice Manifesto”