Cats and Flutes

I’ve noticed that many flute people are also cat people. I have always had cats and I seem to know more flute people with cats than with dogs. Maybe this is just my experience, but I wonder if there is something to it. Cats do seem to make good musical companions because they are usuallyContinue reading “Cats and Flutes”

Flute Practice and Technology

There has been a little controversy raging on Flute List lately regarding approaches to flute technique, specifically tone production and intonation. Some contributors are very scientific in their approach and others are not, and I think the science-oriented people got a little offended by some comments that may have made it sound like they wereContinue reading “Flute Practice and Technology”

A Different Flute Breathing Exercise

Lately I’ve been working on a new breathing exercise that has made a big difference for me. The goal is to learn to breathe in quickly and quietly so you can take a breath whenever you need it instead of whenever it’s convenient. While this idea is not new to me (Alex Murray advocates takingContinue reading “A Different Flute Breathing Exercise”