Intonation Book Update, it’s on!

Just a quick update: my practice book is now formatted for eReaders and can be purchased through the Kindle store at The content is the same as the PDF version I launched earlier, but formatted specifically for Kindle eReaders. Soon it will also be available through several other outlets such as the iBooks store,Continue reading “Intonation Book Update, it’s on!”

Fluting in the New Year

Well this year is off and running! I’ve had my first orchestra rehearsal and conducted the first flute choir rehearsal of the year. We’ve got new programs to learn for both groups, oh boy! I’ve submitted my intonation practice book for publication as an eBook for people with Nooks, Kindles, iPads, etc and soon itContinue reading “Fluting in the New Year”

‘How to Practice With an Electronic Tuner’ is Ready!

Improving Intonation Skills Book 1: How to Practice with an Electronic Tuner is ready to go! I delayed launching because the delivery program I was trying to use wasn’t working the way I wanted it to, I can’t tell you how much time I have spent trying to figure out why files aren’t linking orContinue reading “‘How to Practice With an Electronic Tuner’ is Ready!”

Update on Intonation Book

Well, the book is ready, but I’m experiencing some delays getting the payment and delivery process perfected, so unless I figure it out tonight, it may be a few more days before it is ready. In the meantime, here is another preview of what you will find in the book. LESSON 4: DON’T STRETCH THEContinue reading “Update on Intonation Book”

Preparing for Intonation Contingencies

At last week’s flute choir rehearsal, we were discussing how often we might have to tune during the concert because of people having to change to different instruments for different pieces. There were several suggestions made about how to peed the flutes warm so they wouldn’t be so flat when they are picked up forContinue reading “Preparing for Intonation Contingencies”

Intonation is Relative

I am constantly surprised at how differently I approach intonation practice than so many other people. I was in a flute choir rehearsal last week and the director was working on a passage where the intonation was not working. She was working on just 3 notes that a section had to play, D3-F3-D3. They gotContinue reading “Intonation is Relative”

Looking for a Pitch Tendency Chart?

I’ve noticed that one of the most popular pages on this blog is the page on creating a pitch tendency chart. I have a feeling that what people are really looking for is a chart that will tell them what the pitch tendencies of the flute are, so I thought I would explain why IContinue reading “Looking for a Pitch Tendency Chart?”

Flute Practice and Technology

There has been a little controversy raging on Flute List lately regarding approaches to flute technique, specifically tone production and intonation. Some contributors are very scientific in their approach and others are not, and I think the science-oriented people got a little offended by some comments that may have made it sound like they wereContinue reading “Flute Practice and Technology”

Welcome to Practicing Flutist!

Hello!  If you have visited the previous incarnation of this site, you may notice that I am changing the format.  This will take a little time, but I hope that once it is done, I will be able to offer regularly updated current issues content as well as useful information about practicing the flute inContinue reading “Welcome to Practicing Flutist!”