Flute Tip of the Week: Protect your flute from your cats

For those of you with cats, you probably already know that they do not always mix. Here are a few things you can do to safeguard your flute from your beloved pets. 1. Cats have a tendency to want to knock things off shelves, desks, or tables so if you must leave your flute outContinue reading “Flute Tip of the Week: Protect your flute from your cats”

Cats and Flutes

I’ve noticed that many flute people are also cat people. I have always had cats and I seem to know more flute people with cats than with dogs. Maybe this is just my experience, but I wonder if there is something to it. Cats do seem to make good musical companions because they are usuallyContinue reading “Cats and Flutes”

Flute Practice and Technology

There has been a little controversy raging on Flute List lately regarding approaches to flute technique, specifically tone production and intonation. Some contributors are very scientific in their approach and others are not, and I think the science-oriented people got a little offended by some comments that may have made it sound like they wereContinue reading “Flute Practice and Technology”

Who Has Time to Practice?

Well, not too long ago I wrote about not making excuses for being too busy to post or practice, but what have I done now? Besides my 9-5, I’ve taken on a contract editing job that will keep me incredibly for the next month. Ah, the things we do for a little extra money! SoContinue reading “Who Has Time to Practice?”

Flute Overhaulin’

Wow! Just got my flute back after a long overdue overhaul and I cannot believe the difference! The sound is so resonant, the low notes come out without coaxing, and the runs really rip. It’s amazing! Finding good repair people can be really difficult, but I have had excellent luck sending mine to the USContinue reading “Flute Overhaulin’”

Welcome to Practicing Flutist!

Hello!  If you have visited the previous incarnation of this site, you may notice that I am changing the format.  This will take a little time, but I hope that once it is done, I will be able to offer regularly updated current issues content as well as useful information about practicing the flute inContinue reading “Welcome to Practicing Flutist!”