Christmas in August, and September, and ….

I’m planning the winter concert for the flute choir that I conduct and listening to CD after CD of Christmas music. You’d think this would be the easiest concert to plan, everyone loves Christmas, right? But who wants to rehearse it for three months!!!

I’m trying to put together a program that is about half winter-themed music and half Christmas music so we can carry the winter music over onto a concert in February, adding new things to fill out the other half of that program, then carry over the new music to a concert in May with some additions to fill that program out. Whew! Of course, I can fuss over the music all I want, but we still need players to fill the seats. That is the biggest hurdle, getting enough steady people in to cover all the parts and make all the concert dates. Our group is small and even a rehearsal can get all bollixed up if a key person is missing. Recruiting tips are welcome!

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